Elvira Montana: a Scarface Novella …

…can be yours for .99¢ if you purchase TODAY and everyday after that.

And here you thought it was a Sale.

Shame on you😉.

Elvira Montana BC 1 The world was once His.
Now it’s going to become Hers.

After the brutal assassination of her husband, Tony Montana – a powerful Miamian Drug Lord – his estranged wife, Elvira returns to both avenge her husband’s death and assume power over his drug empire in 1980’s Miami.

Mafia Vampires of Vegas … a new episodic series now available


Not that I expect for anyone to read my shit but I just thought I’d put it out there in case you feel like tossing .99¢ my way.

Reign of Bloods BC2 BC2

So, Reign of Bloods 1, and 2 and 3. . .what is it?

Well, for starters it isn’t about romance or happily-ever-afters (hmm. . .I think I already stipulated that in this POST).  Think. . .Blade meets Casino in a slow-burn, mild-action, drama-packed paranormal with heat and bite!


That’s it, bitches. . .and. . .ahem. . .gentleman😉!

Reign of Bloods is a three-part Episode and Season 1 book series with episodes 4, 5 and 6 to follow in another and so forth and so on or just until I get bored of writing.  But since this is new, and I do 🖤 Vampires then I should be good!


The DiamonD: A Dirty Business


Screenshot (22)Screenshot (21)

The DiamonD:  A Series Dedicated To The Oldest Profession In The World, Ruled By Hustlers, Pimps & Hos With A Hint Of Mob Flair.


For more on the Series, visit:  SandraRaine.com


Mafia Vampires of Vegas … a series

[the following should sound like a Ray Liota narration in your head]


This is about Vampires.

This isn’t above love, romance, butterflies, wedded bliss or happily-ever-afters.


Fuck that!

Because again, this is about “Vampires”.

Bad Blood.

Immortal Domination.

Vamp-Mob Rule.

Organized Crimes.


False Illusions – ‘false illusions’ because vampires were never meant to be internally beautiful.

And lastly. . .Vegas.

About Vegas being ruled by Mafia Vampires.


Blood. Power. Thirst. Lust. Vegas. Vampires. 

It all begins here:Reign of Bloods BC2 BC2

October, 2021 … Take a Bite!vampire-teeth-vampires-2006128-223-158